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Andrea Lyon appears on Beat The Prosecution

Andrea Lyon / News Notes  / Andrea Lyon appears on Beat The Prosecution

Andrea Lyon appears on Beat The Prosecution

What do hearts, dragons, and a defender general have to do with beating the prosecution? Join us as Fairfax, Virginia criminal defense and DUI lawyer Jon Katz talks with powerhouse, trailblazing criminal defense attorney, teacher, and reformer Andrea Lyon ( https://andrealyon.com – in Chicago) on how she effectively and persuasively fights like hell for her clients. Jon first heard Andrea speak near the start of his criminal defense career, and ever since has been a huge fan, inspired by her profound humanity, dedication, and success. Read Andrea’s essential autobiography Angel of Death Row, and her manifesto Fixing Legal Injustice in America: The Case for a Defender General of the United States.

A law firm dedicated to defending the rule of law in criminal and civil litigation and appeals. We assist other lawyers in various phases of those litigations, especially with forensic science issues. Led by Andrea D. Lyon, a nationally recognized lawyer on the death penalty defense dubbed the “Angel of Death Row”, she holds an unparalleled 19 – 0 defense of death penalty cases.

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