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Andrea Lyon discusses her new book in a 7 minute video

What is Lyon Law?

A law firm dedicated to defending the rule of law in criminal and civil litigation and appeals. Andrea Lyon also coaches professionals and public figures in public speaking and self presentation skills.
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Services of Lyon Law

Lyon Law offers services for Criminal Trials and Appeals, Civil Litigation, and Professional Coaching of Public Speakers.
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Andrea Lyon's Books

Andrea Lyon has written 5 books including The Feminine Sixth published by National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers.
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Read the Executive Summary of my new book, Fixing Legal Injustice in America, to be published in July 2022, which answers the question:
“What can we do to reform criminal justice”

Nineteen times, death penalty defense lawyer Andrea D. Lyon has represented a client convicted of capital murder. Nineteen times, she has argued for that individual’s life to be spared. Nineteen times, she has succeeded.

Dubbed the "Angel of Death Row" by the Chicago Tribune, Lyon was the first woman to serve as lead attorney in a death penalty case.

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